Welcome to the 44th SSA Annual Conference
Portland, Oregon 2019
It is a special privilege to welcome you to the 44th Annual Conference of the Semiotic Society of America. This year’s theme, “The Semiotics of Borders and the Borders of Semiotics,” has stimulated provocative ideas and inspiring perspectives that have profound implications for our perception and experience of the paradoxical phenomena of borders and boundaries.
Our Program Committee, chaired by Frank Macke, has put together an insightful program, creating congruency among papers and organized sessions that will stimulate collegial debate, thoughtful conversation, and revealing dialogue.
We are honored to have two keynote speakers: Dr. Beata Stawarska, Professor of Philosophy from the University of Oregon, and Dr. Leonard Lawlor, Professor of Philosophy from Penn State University. We are also looking forward to hearing from two plenary speakers: Dr. Daniela Vallega-Neu, Professor of Philosophy from the University of Oregon, and Dr. Jamin Pelkey, Associate Professor of Cognitive Linguistics from Ryerson University, Canada.
This year, we are delighted to hear from our newly-inducted Sebeok Fellow, Professor Emeritus Nathan Houser from Indiana University in Indianapolis (IUPUI) and President of the Charles S. Peirce Foundation.
There are many people who gave their time and energy to make this conference possible. I want to acknowledge our Executive Director, Javier
Thank you for participating in this year’s SSA Conference. Be sure to visit this year’s Book Exhibit and Poster Presentations. As a reminder, the Executive Board meeting on Wednesday, October 9th is open to all SSA members. And everyone is encouraged to participate in the Annual General
The Semiotic Society of America is an international, transdisciplinary scholarly association dedicated to advancing semiotics. In addition to The American Journal of Semiotics, and the annual Yearbook, our annual conferences promote an open exchange of semiotic inquiry and cutting-edge ideas, as well as building professional and collegial relationships that advance disciplines in the humanities and sciences.
My very best to all,
Farouk Y. Seif
President, Semiotic Society of America
Professor Emeritus, Antioch University Seattle
Fellow, International Communicology Institute