Are you planning on attending our 39th Annual Meeting? Our Marketplace of Semiotics pre-conference activities are not to be missed!
What it is: The Marketplace of Semiotics includes a plenary open space session followed by concurrent workshops or seminars taught by expert semioticians from across the disciplines. The sessions will focus on topics proposed and collaboratively developed by the participants themselves.
When: Thursday, October 2, 2014, at 9 a.m. (immediately preceding our conference Opening Ceremonies) .
Where: The Westin Seattle hotel venue.
Who can attend: All conference presenters and attendees are invited to participate! The sessions will be of interest to both students and scholars new to semiotics and to experienced scholars.
How to register: When registering for the conference here, under “Optional Activities” select “Pre-Conference Open Space Session”. If you have already registered for the conference, you can return to our registration page to add this option.
More about the pre-conference Marketplace of Semiotics
Inspired by the idea of Pike Street Market of Seattle, the Marketplace of Semiotics is an extraordinary opportunity to experience the self-organizing, collaborative Open Space format with a leading expert in the field, Mark Hower (Antioch University Seattle). It is an excellent avenue for professional development and expanding your network and sense of a larger community of practice.
Because session topics are collaboratively generated, the Open Space process allows participants to examine and make meaning around what is important to them and, in so doing, deepens our shared community and impact.
Activities will begin with an engaging plenary session led by Mark Hower, in which participants will be invited to explore the conference theme and propose topics for the workshops or seminars that immediately follow.
Participants will then join a session on a topic of their own choosing. These sessions will be facilitated by experienced semiotics scholars.
Plenary Session Facilitator
Mark Hower, Ph.D. is a faculty member at Antioch University Seattle, and served as chair of Graduate Management and Leadership and the interim President for the Seattle campus. Dr. Hower was a founding member of the Graduate Programs in Leadership and Change, and developed its integrated curriculum and cohort learning model. He directed several U.N. programs, held several Peace Corps leadership positions in Ukraine, Baltic States, Russia, West Africa, and the Kingdom of Tonga in the Pacific. Mark has integrated these international experiences with his passion for collaborative learning, facilitation skills in organizations dynamics, and open space technology.
Workshop and Seminar Facilitators
Our workshop facilitators are distinguished scholars in the field of semiotics from all across the disciplines:
(Pictured from left to right)
John Coletta, Professor of English, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Marcel Danesi, Professor of Semiotics and Linguistic Anthropology, University of Toronto
Elliot Gaines, Professor of Communication, Wright State University
Richard Lanigan, Director and Fellow, International Communicology Institute, and Professor of Communicology (Emeritus), Southern Illinois University
Frank Macke, Professor of Communication and Theater Arts, Mercer University
Gila Safran Naveh, Professor of Judaic Studies, University of Cincinnati
Steven Skaggs, Professor of Design, University of Louisville
Stephanie Walsh Matthews, Professor of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Ryerson University
If you’re curious to see what an Open Space workshop can look like, watch this: