Dear Friends and Colleagues, On behalf of the SSA Executive Board, I am pleased to confirm that our 44th SSA Conference will take place at the Hilton Hotel in the heart of Downtown Portland, Oregon, October 9–13, 2019. Please mark your calendar. More information will follow in the next few weeks. Farouk Y. Seif President, Semiotic…
Category: ssa conference
Thank You
Dear Friends and Colleagues, Many thanks to all of you for making the 43rdSSA Conference a very successful event. The quality of papers and presentations were very high and inspirational. Questions, answers, and comments were thoughtful, amicable, and graceful. A special thank you to our local host and Executive Director Javier Clavere for his gracious…
Dear Friends The transportation from Lexington to Berea is difficult to coordinate. In an effort to help our members, we are offering free shuttles from Lexington Airport to Berea, and from Berea to Lexington Airport. In order to group as many guests as possible, and to provide a service to several members we ask that…
Book Exhibit at the 43rd SSA Conference
Dear Friends and Colleagues, The countdown continues for the 43rd SSA Annual Conference in Berea! The Program Committee would like to extend an invitation to you to bring sample copies of your published books for display at the Book Exhibit in Berea. If you have any questions about our book exhibit, please direct them to our local host Javier Clavere at:…
43rd SSA Conference: Detailed Program Schedule (Updated)
43rd SSA Detailed Program Schedule 2018docx (Updated)43rd SSA Detailed Program Schedule 2018docx (Updated)
Plenary Speakers, SSA 43rd Annual Conference
Vincent Colapietro Sebeok Fellow Award Lecture: The Music of Meaning: Gestures, Traces, and Media Abstract Just as theories of signs have been deployed to elucidate the nature of music, music might provide us with a source for illuminating the meaning of meaning. Indeed, theorists, such as Hanslick, Langer, Scruton, Lidov, and Hatten, have crafted their…
43rd SSA Conference: Detailed Program Schedule
43rd SSA Detailed Program Schedule 2018
43rd SSA Conference: Program Schedule (Updated)
43rd SSA Program Schedule (updated)43rd SSA Program Schedule (updated)
43rd SSA Conference: Program Schedule
43rd SSA Program Schedule (updated)
Rooms at the Boone Tavern Hotel, Berea
Dear Colleagues, The Boone Tavern Hotel still has 48 rooms available. The price for the hotel is the same as the Holiday Inn on route 75. It is best to go to the Tavern, as we are 0.15 miles from the music building.