The 48th Semiotic Society of America Annual Conference
Category: Announcements
Dear Colleagues and Friends, Happy New Year! If you are interested in publishing your papers in the SSA Yearbook, please submit your final papers to me at by January 31, 2024. Although priority in consideration for publication is given to papers originally presented by SSA members at the Annual Conference, any member may submit…
SSA Yearbook 2023: Call for Submissions
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Each year, the SSA publishes the proceedings of its annual meeting under the title Semiotics, also known as the “Yearbook of the Semiotic Society of America,” or “SSA Yearbook” for short. First introduced in 1980, this series provides a unique overview of the development of semiotics across a broad theoretical and applied spectrum….
47th SSA Annual Conference Presentations Overview
SSA2023 Presentations Overview 47th SSA Annual Conference Presentations Overview
The 47th Annual Conference of the SEMIOTIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA Conference Booklet
SSA 2023 Program & Abstracts Booklet The 47th Annual Conference of the SEMIOTIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA Conference Booklet
Featured Speakers: The 47th SSA Annual Conference
SSA 2023 Featured SpeakersThe 47th SSA Annual Conference San Antonio, Tx, October 11–15, 2023
Announcing CFP Extension for the 47th SSA Annual Conference
Dear Colleagues and Friends, The deadline for submitting proposals to the 47th SSA Annual Conference has been extended to August 31, 2023. All the best, Farouk Seif On behalf of Hongbing Yu Chair of the 2023 Program Committee
The 47th SSA Annual Conference: Call for Papers
Updated SSA 2023 Call For Papers
SSA Yearbook 2022: Call for Submissions
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Each year, the SSA publishes the proceedings of its annual meeting under the title Semiotics, also known as the “Yearbook of the Semiotic Society of America,” or “SSA Yearbook” for short. First introduced in 1980, this series provides a unique overview of the development of semiotics across a broad theoretical and applied spectrum….
Final Detailed Program Schedule, SSA 2022
SSA 2022 Final Detailed Program Schedule