The Semiosis of Pretense: Deception, Compliance, Novel Projection Organizers: Donna E. West and Myrdene Anderson This symposium will explore the emergence and ontogenesis of pretense in living systems (especially human), exploring: simple reiteration of false beliefs; acceptance of claims with meager evidence; novel extensions of conventional uses; misfeasance with intent to deceive. The two initial…
Author: Farouk Seif
Announcing CFP Extension for the 40th Annual Meeting
Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to extend the deadline for submitting abstracts to the 40th Annual Meeting of the Semiotic Society of America to Monday, June 22, 2015. We anticipate a significant number of submissions. We encourage you to submit your proposal as soon as possible. All the best, Farouk Seif Executive Director, Semiotic Society of…
CFP: Semiotic Society of America 40th Annual Meeting
October 1-4, 2015 | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Submission Deadline: June 22, 2015 Evolutionary Love: Relations and Identities in a Virtual World Charles Sanders Peirce’s concept of evolutionary love is behind the theme of this year’s conference, which prompts an exploration into the digital age of virtual relationships and identities. How have these relationships grown, or changed,…
Happy 2015 and 40th Celebration!
Dear Friends and Colleagues, Happy New Year…! 2015 marks the 40th anniversary celebration, a significant event in the history of the Semiotic Society of America. As most of you know, the Annual Meeting will be held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on October 1–4, 2015. Appropriately, the theme of our 40th Annual Meeting is: “Evolutionary Love: Relations…
2014 Kevelson Award Winner is No “Ordinary” Student
Each year, the Semiotic Society of America (SSA) features the Roberta Kevelson Award for best student paper presented at its annual meeting (if, in the award committee’s judgment, a paper has been submitted that is worthy of this award). This year’s Kevelson Award recipient is John Tredinnick Rowe, a third-year Ph.D. student in medical studies…
It’s Our Anniversary. Will You Join Us?
Dear Friends and Colleagues, It’s my pleasure to announce the location of our next SSA Annual Meeting. The 40th Anniversary Annual Meeting will take place in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 1-4, 2015. Duquesne University will host this significant event. More information and details will be provided in the weeks ahead. Onward and upward SSA, Farouk Seif…
39th Annual Meeting Wrap-Up
After four days of memorable talks, networking, and musical and visual arts performances, topped by a breathtaking cruise to Blake Island, we adjourned our 39th Annual Meeting last Sunday. Celebrating this year’s outcomes, Executive Director and 2014 Program Chair Farouk Seif recalled his words pronounced at last year’s Dayton annual meeting: “Success is not an option; it…
2014 SSA Yearbook
Dear Friends and Colleagues, Many thanks to those who participated in and made the 39th SSA Annual Meeting in Seattle a very successful event. In order to be considered for publication in the SSA Yearbook, please submit your final paper by November 30, 2014. The submission guidelines and SSA Style Sheet will assist you in finalizing…
Preparing for Your Trip to Seattle
Dear 39th Annual Meeting Participants, We hope that you are as excited as we are about what’s in store for us next week. We even have a few surprises that we know you’ll enjoy! In the meantime, please take note of some important information and reminders: Media Information for Presenters The SSA will provide projectors…
Semiotics Book Exhibit at 39th Annual Meeting
Dear Friends and Colleagues, The countdown continues for the 39th SSA Annual Meeting in Seattle! The Program Committee would like to extend an invitation for you to bring sample copies of your published books for display at the Book Exhibit and Gallery in the Westin Hotel. If you have any questions about our book exhibit,…